
September 29, 2024

Dear Frost Families,

Happy Friday! Students and staff continued to remain invested this week at Frost with great effort academically and throughout their support of our extracurricular activities! 
Today, our seventh and eighth grade Student Ambassadors represented Frost at the District 54 Student Ambassadors training where they learned to be positive leaders who give their best selves to help and support everyone. We look forward to seeing the positive impact this group of student leaders has at Frost this school year. 
In addition, our girls’ basketball and cross country teams continued their seasons this week with several events as they march toward the conference tournament/meet in two weeks. The 8th grade band also traveled to Schaumburg High School this week to practice and prepare for their Friday night football game performance! 

Frost Homework Communication
Frost has implemented a homework spreadsheet, located on the Frost website, to assist students and families with a weekly snapshot of homework assignments. Families will also be notified via email if your student has missing multiple assignments each week. Please reach out to your student’s teachers for any content specific questions.
After School Academic Support
After school content support is available each week at Frost. Students missing classroom assignments are highly encouraged to attend. Please see the following content support schedule for your reference:

  • Monday – Language Arts
  • Tuesday – Math
  • Thursday – Science / Social Studies    

Please contact your student’s teachers with any specific questions.

Frost Club Offerings
Frost will begin offering multiple club offerings for student’s next week. Please visit our club webpage and view our building calendar for the dates and descriptions of our club offerings! Permission forms for all clubs are available to student pickup in the Frost cafeteria. 

Frost PTA Information
The first half of hot lunch ordering began this week and went very well! Every Monday at 9 am there will be a deadline for hot lunch for the following week. This helps ensure that all vendors can prepare the large orders in a timely manner. 

The Frost PTA is also looking for parents who are interested in distributing the hot lunches each week. Listed below are the PTA Hot Lunch links for reference:

Frost Hot Lunch Volunteers 

Frost Hot Lunch Order Site

PTA Spirit Wear Fundraiser – Online Store is now open
The Frost Spirit Wear online store is now open and available for orders thru Tuesday, October 15.  Orders delivered to the school will be sent home with your child the week of November 4.  Be sure to include your child’s advocacy teacher when ordering. See the following flyer and site for additional information – Frost Spirit Wear.  Thank you for supporting the Frost PTA Spirit Wear Fundraiser!

PTA meetings will also take place on the 2nd of each month @ 4 pm at Frost. Community members can also join the meeting via zoom listed below:
  Zoom Meeting Link
  Meeting ID: 861 0939 1506
  Passcode: 576236

Pizza Sales
Every Tuesday and Thursday starting Thursday, September 5 we will serve Old Town Pizza for interested students. Pizza is $3 per slice and sold during lunch hours.

School Hours
School hours are 7:40 a.m. – 2:15 p.m. with the entry bell ringing at 7:30. Please note: Every Wednesday is designated for staff development. Students are dismissed 30 minutes early at 1:45 p.m. on Wednesdays.  

Office Hours and Student Absences
Frost office hours are Monday-Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.  Please remember that our student absence line (847-357-6802) is available 24 hours a day. If your child will be absent from school, please call no later than 7:00 a.m. to report an absence.

Erin’s Law
Again this year, we will be implementing a child sexual abuse prevention program in our schools as the result of the passage of Public Act 097-1147, also known as Erin’s Law. Lessons and resources have been carefully created and selected and give the students the knowledge and skills necessary to keep themselves safe. The delivery of these lessons will be provided by our Guidance department during P.E. classes on Wednesday, October 9. Please do not hesitate to be in contact with me if you have any questions or concerns.      

Frost Arrival/Dismissal Locations
When students arrive on campus, they will be directed to enter one of the following doors and proceed to their first period class:

  • Inside row of buses: Enter Door 1 / Main Entrance       
  • Outside row of buses: Enter Door 2 / West Entrance       
  • Parent Drop Off/Walkers: Enter Door 13 / East Entrance
    • Arrival / Drop Off – Please use both lanes of traffic for drop-off to allow additional cars to access our parking lot in an efficient manner        
    • Dismissal / Pick Up – Please use the right lane of traffic for pick up to allow cars to exit the parking lot upon student pickup during dismissal        
    • Please avoid making any left hand turns out of the Frost parking lot at Arrival/Dismissal       

All entrances to the building will open at 7:30 am and any students arriving after 7:40 am will enter through Door 1 and check in with the main office.

U.S. McKinney-Vento Assistance Act
The U.S. McKinney-Vento Assistance Act defines homeless children as those who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime abode. In general, children or youth living in motels, transitional housing, shelters, the street, cars, parks, bus or train stations, abandoned buildings and other inadequate accommodations may be considered eligible for McKinney-Vento services.  Please visit our website for more information.

2024 Personal Assessment of Core Competency 
District 54 is committed to ensuring not only the academic success of each child, but also their social-emotional wellbeing. Your insight as a parent/guardian is essential in creating the most well rounded picture of your student’s strengths and opportunities for growth. To gather your perspective, District 54 will send families of students in grades 3-8 an email link for each child to the District 54 Personal Assessment of Core Competency on Monday, September 30th.  The window to complete the survey will close on Friday, October 18th. Thank you in advance for participating in this survey, as we believe the home-school collaboration is critical to best support your child’s overall well-being. 

D211 Class of 2029 Information (Current 8th Grade Students)

District 211 is in the final stages of updating its comprehensive transition guide for the high school graduating Class of 2029. The transition guide highlights important information for families of current 8th grade students, including details about the placement testing. Each District 211 high school has a unique version of the Class of 2029 Transition Guidebook. When available, electronic copies of each high school’s guidebook are on the District 211 webpage devoted to incoming freshman information.  The Class of 2029 Transition Guidebook is mailed home to families by October 1. 


The incoming freshman placement test will take place on Saturday, October 26, 2024.  Starting with the Class of 2029, students will be administered a paper version of Pre-ACT.  If interested in learning more about the Pre-ACT go to the ACT website

Supervision and Behavior Expectations for Athletic Events at Conant and Schaumburg High School

When attending athletic events, the safety and well-being of all event attendees is the priority.  Please refer to the attached letters from Schaumburg and Conant high schools regarding their practice for junior high school students attending their sporting events.

Schaumburg Teen Center – The Club
If you are looking for after school programs for your teenage child, the Schaumburg Teen Center (The Club) is here to assist! Please see the following information for more details to get involved:

No Food Deliveries Allowed
With a focus on student and staff safety, District 54 will not allow food delivery services (including, but not limited to, GrubHub, DoorDash, and local restaurants) to our schools. We will continue to have hot lunch days, which are planned events, organized and supervised by school or PTA volunteers. However, we will no longer accept other outside food deliveries to keep our schools secure.

Infinite Campus Parent Portal
Infinite campus is District 54’s student information system that connects parents to information.  Through Infinite Campus, parents will have access to the Parent Portal. The Parent Portal provides access for parents to information regarding their child including paying fees, viewing assignments, attendance, grades, academic schedule, and teacher comments. 
If you currently do not have a Parent Portal account, please email [email protected] or you can call our front office at 847-357-6800 and our secretaries can assist you.  If you need help logging on to the Infinite Campus portal click here, email [email protected], or call portal support at 847-357-5110.  If you have previously created a Parent Portal account and cannot recall your username or password, you can reset them yourself from the portal website by selecting forgot password.
District 54 Virtual Backpack
District 54 shares information about community events with our students and families through our Virtual Backpack.  We know that parents are interested in extracurricular activities. At the same time, we don’t want the homework, letters from the teachers, school news and other important district information to get lost among the countless other pieces of paper in our students’ backpacks.  Please click here for additional information.